5 Days of Mozart: Day 1, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik & a Mozart Story
This week, I would like to introduce you to famous composer who was quite a childhood prodigy. Most know him as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or simply “Mozart”. You may have also heard him called “Amadeus”. And, I would like to begin with a story about his name. See, Mozart himself couldn’t always decide what others […]
9 Simple and Effective Tips to Get Your Child Practicing
Practicing music at home is something that every teacher encourages religiously. After all, it’s extremely important! Students just don’t make the same kind of progress when practice doesn’t happen and their motivation levels fade quickly. That said, students who otherwise might be excited to practice can easily come across many obstacles when they are at […]
Complete Guide for Continuing Music Learning at Home
Every day, music should be a part of every home, for the entire family to enjoy and learn about together. Here are some resources for parents to help make that possible for their household. Whether your child is a student at Open School, enrolled in private or group lessons, both, or none of the above, you will find many tools and ideas here to make music learning fun for the whole family.
Open School’s “One Pitch at a Time” Music Resources
For the second year in a row, students in Open School clusters that include 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades have the opportunity to participate in Music Karate!
Here are some great resources to help you continue the learning experience at home.
The Value of Being All-In
Thirty-some years ago when I was in elementary school, I was what you might call overbooked. Let’s see, there was gymnastics, swim class, math club, cub scouts, church functions, school band, school orchestra, piano lessons, trumpet lessons, homework, and the list goes on. On one hand, I am surprised I had time to be a […]
Tuning Your Drums for the Perfect Sound
Tuning a drum is not an overly complicated process, but it does require a little “know how”. The two most important things to consider are: Getting the drum to sound good it must be in tune with itself (all places you hit should be the same pitch), and for a drum kit, each drum must […]
Open School Music Karate Resources
For the second year in a row, students in Open School clusters that include 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades have the opportunity to participate in Music Karate!
Here are some great resources to help you continue the learning experience at home.