Note Names Exercises
Last week, I introduced the first of a series of custom music exercises I will be building from the tools over at musictheory.net. These exercises are all free and should work in any web browser on any computer or mobile device. The following exercises are Note Names exercises specifically for my students needs. I hope […]
Week 8 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: A-Flat Major
It’s now week eight of the series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. Here is A-Flat Major: [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in A-Flat Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in A-Flat Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! Here are some instruments that can play the same […]
Week 7 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: A Major
It’s now week seven of the series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. Here is A Major: [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in A Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in A Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! Here are some instruments that can play the same […]
Week 6 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: E-Flat Major
It’s now week six of the series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. Here is E-Flat Major: [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in E-Flat Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in E-Flat Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! Here are some instruments that can play the same […]
Week 5 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: D Major
It’s now week five of the series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. Here is D Major: [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in D Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in D Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! Here are some instruments that can play the same […]
Week 4 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: B-Flat Major
It’s now week four of the series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. Here is B-Flat Major: [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in B-Flat Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in B-Flat Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! Here are some instruments that can play the same […]
Week 3 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: G Major
It’s now week three of the series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. Here is G Major: [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in G Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in G Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! Here are some instruments that can play the same […]
Week 2 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: F Major
Last week, I introduced the first of a series of scale drills I created specifically for the trumpet. And, now it is time for the second week: F Major. [PracticeSingle exercise=”Scale Drills in F Major” url=”Studio Cline Music – Trumpet Scale Drills in F Major” instrument=”Trumpet”] You can also use these exercises for other instruments! […]
Week 1 of 30 Weeks of Trumpet Scale Drills: C Major
Starting this week, I am beginning my first official, scheduled series of exercises on this site. Are you ready for some trumpet fun? This particular series starts with an exercise in C Major, but it is nothing to sneeze at. The beginning parts are nice and easy to get you warmed up. But, towards the […]