I used to love playing with marbles as a child. One of my favorite toys was a marble run, where you could fit pieces together in whichever way you wished and then placed the marbles in the top and watched them roll down. The marbles passed through a series of bridges, loops, swirls, and jumps. And, it was mesmerizing.

Still, as fun as it was, those marbles never made music.
Swedish musician, Martin Molin, has put an end to that. The maddening machine that he has created is not just one big marble run sounding a note here and there, resulting in a simple tune. Nor is even as basic as a series of marble runs put together to create somewhat of a music box effect.
No, this machine is what it would be like if a marble run and a music box had a baby and fed it nothing but steroids. This creation is just simply incredible!
You MUST check it out:
The full story is even more amazing, with over 14 months of work creating and perfecting it. Keep watching the playlist above or visit this page to watch a series of videos on the machine’s creation and then read this interview with the creator, Martin Molin.
Just think, if my toy marble runs made music, I might still be playing with them today.
What to be Challenged to Think Outside the Box?
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