For our last day of Mozart, I have compiled some amazing videos for you to see the songs we have listened to already from a different perspective.
But first, let’s start with the final listening of the week:
Song of the Day
The Mozart piece I chose for today is called…
“Symphony No. 40 in G Minor”
This is first Mozart piece I am sharing this week that was never given a fancy title or nickname. Even though many of Mozart’s musical works have been given more creative names, this piece—one of Mozart’s most famous—has a very simple, descriptive title.
From the title alone, we know that it is a specific kind of piece called a symphony. It is the 40th symphony that Mozart composed. And, it is (mostly) in the key of G minor.
Want to hear more? Listen to the full piece!
Weekly Videos
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra
This is performed in much of the same way as it would have been performed in Mozart’s time.
Marriage of Figaro Overture
Wiener Philharmonic Orchestra
From the 250th anniversary celebration of Mozart in Vienna, Austria, where Mozart wrote much of his most famous works.
Alla Turca
Parker Grey
This is performed on a harpsichord (the piano-like instrument that Mozart would have used to play this piece in his time).
Want to see more?
Check out these bonus video playlists!
Each playlist includes a variety of videos all featuring the same piece of music. Some videos are arrangements on different instruments. Some are creative visuals to enhance the listening experience. Many are beautiful. A few are silly. And, all are worth watching!
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik – includes performances by kids, instruments used in the classroom, and even a chicken!
Marriage of Figaro – includes line riders, an electric guitar cover, and a large ensemble of just flutes!
In case you would like to watch the entire opera, there are many versions available on YouTube. This one looks like one of the best, but this one has English subtitles.
Alla Turca – includes one musician on two pianos, two guitarists on one guitar, a drum solo, an all female brass group, unique instruments such as a toy piano and a set of various drinking glasses, and several unexpected arrangements such as jazz style and Mega Man video game style!
Also, here is a great video of Alla Turca for younger kids and a video of 4-year-old Evan Lee playing the piece!